This page includes answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Democrasi.com site itself.

  1. Why is this site different from the various political discussion sites? This site is about democracy itself; about the way that we manage the structure of the political system; about the way we ensure that the selection of a government is fair. This site is also concerned with maintaining fairness after a government has been elected (eg. constitutional requirements that governments must keep promises). Other sites are, for the most part, concerned with governance after a government is elected, left vs right wing, socialist vs capitalist. There are many terrific sites for these discussions and we are not going to duplicate those efforts. We believe that democracy is the currently best form of government but we also believe that that it is broken and can be made a lot better. That’s what this site is all about.
  2. With the Statue of Liberty prominent on this site, is it geared to Americans?  Absolutely not. We simply picked the Statue of Liberty as a well known symbol of democracy. This is an international site and we truly hope to get members from all over the world. The only real restriction is that the discussions must be in English.
  3. Why are there so few postings?  This site has just been created but we are actively migrating postings from the old site. But don’t be shy to comment. If you have something pertinent to contribute, please do so. It may well take months to build a following but we believe this site is unique and we are actively seeking thoughtful members.
  4. Who runs Democrasi.com? We are a very small group of concerned individuals tired of the hypocrisy of democracy. (Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?) Ultimately, our goal is to get enough people involved in discussions to improve the democratic process in as many countries as possible. A secondary goal is a more radical one: to create a new country with the best democratic process ever seen. Of course for this we will need serious membership. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.